Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Loving. . .ME---

It's February!  I must admit.  I am so happy to say goodbye to January.  It was a pretty terrible month for me emotionally and by no means do I want to go through that rut again.  I've done some contemplation since Calvin and I's break, which lasted just a week.  I now realize that I have to get back in touch with myself.  I have to love myself.  I was so concerned with making things "right" with everyone else that I forgot to do the right things to please me.  As a result, I have deactivated my facebook page and requested my friend to change my twitter password.  This February I will use all 28 days to focus on myself and my inner happiness.  Since I have submitted my application to five schools, I have a little bit more time on my hand to read leisurely and think freely. . .AND I LOVE IT!

Since February is the month of love, I vow to love me.  I will romance myself. My goal is to understand myself a lot better after these 28 days.  A lot can happen and I'm hopeful about all of the potential outcomes. Maybe you should try it to.  Get back in the habit of doing those things that puts the deepest smile in your heart.  Do you.  Date you.  Love you.

I sure will.


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