Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Dilemna- - -

The story goes there's this one girl me who likes more than one guy but her my heart isn't strong enough to pursue more than one at a time.  So what's she to do?!  Narrow it down.

I'll give you my her top three..........(in no particular order, of course)

Numero Uno: Calvin "Mr. Just Like Me"
(Stats: Business Man, Hilarious, Understanding, Incredibly Adorable, Muscularly Scrumptious Body, Independent Thinker and Dominant Alpha Male)

~Calvin is one of the newer guys.  He caught her attention from the very first time she laid eyes on him.  Her friend had tried to hook her up with someone else but it was Calvin she was most physically attracted to.  She played it cool the whole night....acting herself and having fun.  (I read somewhere guys like that so kudos to  Then Calvin made his move.  Numbers were well as lots of flirting.  They left each other that night with a strong interest in one another and a guaranteed date within a couple of days. The date was horrible! (At least it started that way....) Somehow, more dates were scheduled....she saw Calvin on a regular basis for the next three months.  They were both physically, intellectually and emotionally attracted to each other.  Laughing was their favorite past time. Sarcasm was their best friend. (Now I could tell you all the negatives about Calvin but what fun would that be?!??)  Let's just say that as time passes, she grows more attracted to him and wishes to share him with no one else.  She voices this to him....well kind of...and she soon realizes that she and Calvin are NOT on the same page. What's she to do now!?

Numero Dos: Eugene "Mr. Got It Together"
(Stats: Consultant, Swanky Condo in Favorite City, Not Interested in Marriage Till Over 30, 4 Years Her Senior, Pursuing MBA at Top Tier School, Cute and Wise)

~Eugene and Romantiful met in July 2007 at a professional gathering with mutual friends.  He was the "let's talk in a loud setting" type and she was the "I don't feel like being bothered" type.  He asked for her number and she complied.  That summer they spent a couple of days together but nothing too serious to write home to mom about. She went back to school and he stayed there. They maintained contact but nothing too serious....always constant flirting, though.  In June 2008, she visited the city again and he was one of her priorities.  ...only to find out that he had been in a relationship with someone for a couple of months... Hurt?!? MUCH! She got over him and the thought of possibly being with someone who complemented her well. He remained in his relationship nearly 2 yrs! (She had a boyfriend in the meantime...Keith "Mr. Not Ever", who will be addressed in a later blog) They constantly exchanged jokes about their futures, potential kids and the likes but never had a chance to pursue it.  Just recently, Eugene (who lives 500 miles away) expressed sincere interest in seeing where their attraction could take them. What's she to do now?

Numero Tres: Xavier "Mr. You're My Little Secret"
(Stats: Workaholic, Better Looking With Hats On, Smile To Die For, Persistent, Amiable, Educated Bad Boy, Adventurous and Excellent Lover)

~They met at a mutual friend's house. They didn't initially start talking.  It took him about 2 months to make a move on her.  When he did, he used facebook as his tool.  He reached out to her in a very dominating way, insisting he needed to talk to her because he was just THAT interested. She gave him her number and that next night they sat on the phone for 4 hours!!! She enjoyed his conversations most of all.  He had a way of making her open up and helping her discovery parts of herself she had never exposed before.  Just when she started to care deeply for him, she finds out he had a girlfriend! :-O She retreats...he finally tells her...She ignores him...They finally talk again... They had a scheduled date and he missed it.  He stood her up! (There's a first for everything)  He called her for the next 2 weeks straight (multiple times a day) before she answered. She heard him out but insisted it would not work between them.  He betrayed her trust and that's the one thing she valued most. They dated other people...but always keep in contact. Then they started having sex. BIG MISTAKE! She longed for his penis more than his conversations. They parted ways....and things still remain the same.  There's this undying attraction there because they never got a chance to pursue something quite so real. But she could never do long distance and they'll probably never live in the same city again. He's quite possibly the only skeleton in her closet. What's she to do now?!

HELP A GIRL OUT!!! Romantiful is thinking of dropping them all together. Each of them offer qualities she longs for in a soulmate. (Yes, she believes in soulmates...that'll be a post for another day.) It's possible to overcome some emotional feats to see a brighter future with her and one of them riding away into the sunset together.  But what is she to do now?!?!

***This post written by Romantiful's friend***

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