Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Contact- - -

So I told one of my dearest friends about my dilemna and as usual she offered her advice.  Now I must say that my friend is pretty logical and intelligent. Although I rarely take advice from others, I readily hear her out and analyze her opinions to see how they can benefit me.  This time, however, we were on two totally different ends.  (And this is where our personalities differ.) She's more of an adventurous, go with the flow, free-spirited type and I'm more of the traditional, emotionally attached type.  This mindset applies to most of our views on life's most important things (i.e. careers, friends, futures but mostly importantly LOVE). 

In regards to my dilemna, she suggested that I go a few months without talking to the opposite sex in any way other than platonic. (My initial facial reaction: o_O and My first thought: ''She must be outside her mind!'') I continued to listen as she attempted to tell me that I was "selling myself short" and I needed some "alone time".  Her argument was that ever since my breakup with Keith (aka "Mr. Not Ever") I continued to date.  She said I needed to spend some time with myself, as in no dating, no mingling, no talking on the phone, no cuddling, loving or *ucking! (Yep, she's crazy right!?!? Who does that??? Only lonely bitches and virgins. . .and it's usually NOT by choice)  She continued to try and prove her point and reasoning but I just could not hear the rest.  We got off the phone abruptly and I haven't talked to her since.

After thinking about her advice for a couple of days, I must admit that some of it was true.  I have been selling myself short.  I am SUCH a hopeless romantic that I continue to get wrapped up in the "thought" of love or the "possibility" of romance.  Consequently, when I like someone, I tend to give them my all because of this.  I become jaded from the truths that are in front of my face.  I make excuses for why things didn't go my way, usually blaming myself.  I OVERanalyze. I basically ruin any potential for a good thing before it develops. 

That being said, I vow from this day forward to just take my time.  I'm not the one planning the wedding before our first date but I am the one getting uberexcited about the possibilities before I know the person.  I attract really GREAT guys (go figure...haha) and I need to just take it slow.  Sorry friend, I can't do no contact...then I'd be you. LOL!  BUT I can guard my heart a little more and treat each guy as a platonic friend.  That'll work best.  (Now I just need to find a cut buddy....)


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