Monday, August 16, 2010

Soul Glow- - -

The other day I had a conversation with another one of my hopeless romantic friends and she told me about the possibility of her new boo.  (Yeah I know it's lame BUT my friends and I talk about possible boos all the time.) Anyway, I mustn't digress.  She told me about how persistent this guy was being but how she had reservations because he was shorter than she'd like him to be, not as cute as his friend, an alpha and a Muslim. So it dawned on me during my conversation with her that WE (people in general) are entirely TOO obsessed with the physical.  Here my friend is just looking for love like the rest of us sensible people out here and she, like so many of us, concentrated on what she didn't like about him immediately.  She later mentioned that he was a nice guy and that he actually took the time to plan dates for them and call her instead of texting.  (Hey that's an important trait in this day and age.) Of all the issues she had with him, the only one that I could understand being a problem would be the Muslim one.  I can see how religion might come in the way of leading a healthy life (down the line) with someone especially when it comes to raising children.

BUT why are we so obsessed with the physical????

I get it...that's our initial attraction to someone.  It helps you stay interested.  No one ever wants to be with someone who doesn't look good, generally speaking.  But all those old sayings about beauty hold true. "Beauty fades." "Beauty's only skin deep." "Beauty's in the eye of the beholder."  Who are we trying to impress anyway?  If it's not ourselves, what difference does it make?

Now onto why this frustrated me so. . .

I am a firm believer in soulmates.  (Just as most hopeless romantics are.) When I think about that one person who compliments me in a way no one else can or ever will, I admittedly do NOT imagine his physical attributes.  Yes of course I'd like him to be attractive but when I think about who he is and what he represents, I am by no means thinking about the world's next sex symbol.  So then it dawned on me, why is it that when we describe a person we like to our friends we start with the physical?  Why is it that we are more inclined to give our number to those who look the best?  It's frustrating...especially since damn near 90% of us will be fugly by the age of 50.  (Personally, I'm going for the World's Best MILF award at around 50.)

All in all, let's take a step back people.  Let's all examine the soul before we get caught up in the physical.  Once you know the person, he/she always looks 10x better to you anyway.  Besides, once you truly know them, it doesn't even matter what anyone else has to say about your partner because he/she will be the best thing to you since sliced bread.  Just think about it...the beautiful couples never stay together for real (Halle and Eric, Brad and Jennifer, Usher and Chilli, Nick and Jessica).  Now I'm not saying eliminate your's a must that YOU are attracted to this person...all I ask is that when you go promoting that person to your family and friends make sure you say things that make his/her soullllllllll glooooowwww!  After all, it's all about the person within.


1 comment:

  1. I definitely had a good chuckle at the MILF comment. And I totally agree with you about looking at the surface. The man who is currently holding onto my heart is not at all my type physically, but I paid more attention to his personality and how I feel when I'm with him. What a difference.
